Don’t use civil servants as scapegoats for overspend in Northern Ireland
FDA National Officer for Northern Ireland Robert Murtagh spoke to BBC Radio Ulster to challenge claims…
FDA challenges “political rhetoric” over reports senior officials could be dismissed if they fail to make efficiency cuts
The FDA has criticised the political rhetoric around the government’s updated performance management framework for the…
Recommendations on Senior Civil Service pay “fair and reasonable”
The FDA has today welcomed the recommendations made by the Senior Salaries Review Body, and the…
“Ministers must come armed with proposals”
FDA General Secretary responds to minister’s invitation to meeting
Government’s response to SSRB “treats civil service leaders with contempt”
FDA Assistant General Secretary Lucille Thirlby says government’s pay offer treats senior civil servants with contempt
“A retrograde and unnecessary step”: FDA criticises new SCS performance management guidance
The FDA has criticised the government’s decision to delay the implementation of reforms to the performance…
“There are obvious consequences to ministers failing to implement urgently needed change” – FDA responds to SSRB report
The FDA has welcomed the Senior Salaries Review Body’s 43rd Report, published on 21 July 2021,…
FDA calls for SCS pay reform in evidence to the Senior Salaries Review Body
The FDA gave oral evidence to the Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB) on 25 February, having…
FDA: The SCS pay award isn’t thrift. It’s Government own-goaling
Assistant General Secretary Lucille Thirlby accused the Government of “pursuing the short-term to its own detriment”.
SCS pay systems creak at seams while Government works at a snail’s pace, says FDA
“Year after year the Government has ignored independent advice and evidence about the urgency to resolve…