FDA polling highlights benefits of flexible working

Our polling was comprised of two main strands. Firstly, a poll of a nationally representative sample of 2009 adults in the UK, and secondly, a poll of a representative sample of 542 red wall voters.
• 49% of respondents worked from home at least on occasion, and among ‘red wall’ respondents, this rises to 53%.
• 66% of those who do work from home said they find it easier to focus compared to the office, and 62% said they were more productive.
• 69% said working from home had a positive impact on their wellbeing.
• While people were more likely to respond to emails out of work hours, 74% reported an improved work-life balance when home working.
• On the specific question of civil servants returning to the office, 72% of respondents agreed that there are larger issues in government than where civil servants are based, with 51% saying they did not personally care where civil servants work, rising to 77% and 53% respectively among red wall respondents.
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