Celebrating our centenary in Northern Ireland

FDA President Fiona Eadie opened proceedings by paying tribute to the phenomenal work of our union reps, both past and present, who work tirelessly to support members and improve their working lives.
We were delighted to also be joined by Brenda King, First Legislative Counsel for Northern Ireland, who told attendees that she’s “always been grateful for union membership and the work the FDA does here”.
In his closing remarks, General Secretary Dave Penman commended FDA members for being “at the front line of delivering peace and prosperity for Northern Ireland”. He also reflected his early career with the union, when Northern Ireland was one of his first patches, saying that he was proud to see how much the union has developed here over the past 19 years.
The event followed celebrations in Westminster as well as Holyrood and the Senedd earlier in the year, recognising the impact of the FDA across the whole of the UK during its 100 year history.
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