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“Executed with flair and style”: FDA wins two TUC Communication Awards
The trade union was named Highly Commended in the awards’ best print journal and best designed…
ARC: Taxation laws must be fixed, for the good of the country
ARC President Paula Houghton congratulates the Institute for Government’s new report – ‘Taxing Times’ – for…
The Smith Institute launches report on civil service impartiality
The FDA-commissioned report features essays from individuals across the political spectrum.
FDA defends civil servants from attacks from across the political spectrum
As well as being quoted on the cover of the Times and writing an opinion piece…
Taking Pride: FDA members on their union’s fight for LGBT+ equality
FDA members past and present talk about how they helped LGBT+ people in their workplaces.
FDA/Scottish Government deal raises members’ pay and protects jobs
The union has secured on-call payment, pay rises and job security for Scottish Government staff.
FDA: The British Foreign Policy Group is right – diplomacy can’t be done on a shoestring
FDA National Officer Duncan Woodhead championed the independent group’s call for properly investing in the FCO
MoJ staff: How the grading review affects you
The union has protected pay and pensions throughout the Ministry of Justice’s grading review project, and…
Ian Buist’s campaign to abolish the ban on gay and lesbian diplomats
The story of how one FDA member made union history.
Celebrating our centenary in Scotland
Last week, we had the opportunity to celebrate 100 years of the FDA with an event…
2% pay cap for civil servants is “unforgivable”, says Penman
FDA General Secretary Dave Penman has condemned the civil service pay remit guidance, which limits pay…
Penman: The Government must publish details of no-deal Brexit
The General Secretary argues it’s time for confidentiality to be laid aside in his latest Civil…
Barry Snelgrove named 2019 Wendy Jones Award winner
This year’s Wendy Jones Award has been presented to MoJ rep Barry Snelgrove for making both…
More than 5,600 sign FDA’s fair pay petition
More than 5,600 people have signed the FDA’s petition calling on Cabinet Office Minister David Lidington…
Closing Friday: Last chance to take part in our Working Hours Survey
The FDA’s 2019 Working Hours Survey will close on Friday 31 May at 5pm, so please…
Leslie Evans: What kind of leadership do we need today?
The Scottish Government Permanent Secretary lists three essential qualities for leaders in her Women into Leadership…
On your case: Securing the proper pension
Paying into a pension scheme should give you peace of mind and security in retirement –…
It’s time to end harassment of LGBT+ civil servants
On International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, Equality Officer Jane Cockram calls on civil service…
FDA to NCA: Address pay or risk staffing crisis
The trade union’s pay review body evidence raises concerns about potential labour shortages.
“Solitude to Solidarity”: Littlewood on the Manifesto for Justice
FDA National Officer Steven Littlewood writes for the Unions 21 blog about the Manifesto and the…