Advice & support
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
The FDA believes that public services should represent the people they serve. We are dedicated to promoting equality for all and to fighting all forms of discrimination, bullying, harassment and victimisation.
Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
Everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. The ability to live and work without prejudice is a fundamental right, regardless of your background, identity and experiences. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is integral to the work of the FDA.
The FDA Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, 2024-26 sets out how the union is focused on improving our members’ working lives, for fairness and equality in the workplace and beyond.
Our work on EDI
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Sub-committee
The FDA’s work on equality is co-ordinated by our Executive Committee’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Sub-committee (EDIC). The committee meets four times a year to discuss union policy and work on equality issues.
Professional development
We’re proud to host a number of events in partnership with Dods, including Ethnic Minorities into Leadership and Women into Leadership. Held across the country, these conferences feature speeches, workshops and networking opportunities, designed to equip delegates with the tools they need to progress their careers. Members benefit from greatly discounted tickets to these events.
You can find guidance for reps and members on equalities topics in the members’ portal. Log in to find guidance including advice on workplace adjustments, the menopause and becoming an equality rep in your workplace.
Latest news in EDI
“Know your worth and assert your presence”: report from Women into Leadership London
“Know your worth and assert your presence”: report from Women into Leadership London
FDA at the TUC LGBT+ Workers’ Conference 2024
An FDA’s delegation attended the TUC LGBT+ Workers’ Conference 2024, engaging with the wider trade union movement and to share issues and priorities with other unions.
FDA at the TUC Disabled Workers’ Conference 2024
The FDA sent a delegation of six members to the TUC Disabled Workers’ Conference 2024